Monday, August 25, 2008

The Spirit cries, "Abba, Father!"

My spirit continues to cry out the Truth. That's what it does. The spirit of God speaks the Truth to us. It is our wise counselor. My spirit is wrestling within me when I'm not choosing to follow in the Lord's ways. Today, I fell to justisfying myself on a decision I made, even though I promised my husband I wouldn't. I feel awful. I feel sinful. I feel like I can't escape myself. It's so discouraging. I feel so foolish and unwise. I can't believe God loves me in the midst of all this. I want to love Jesus more. I want to love myself less. I need help even doing this. I can't muster up enough strength to get myself boosted up in loving him. And honestly, I know that I suffer far greatly in thinking it's all about me loving Him. But it's really about HIM loving ME. My failures sidetrack my vision into thinking it's about me earning my way into the Father's heart. It's truly a supernatural and awesome thing to be loved by this Almighty God. My heart cries out, "Abba, Father! Save me from my selfishness. I know that I just made a decision that goes against your heart for me. You love me; you want me to follow your glorious plan for me." Thank you Spirit. Thank you for your counsel and for revealing the Father's heart. Right now, in the residue of my rebellion that is going to produce for me consequences that I don't desire, thank you for loving me still Lord. You are truly a God worthy of praise because of your forgiveness, your powerful love, and unending faithfulness.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Learning from others

I want to learn from:
  • Cindy Kessler: how to be a supportive and submissive wife amidst uncertainity in life, how to home school children effectively, how to keep a personal relationship with Jesus alive while managing a home.
  • Holly Southerland: how to walk intimately with Jesus as a friend, brother, and King, how to allow God to take me on a grand adventure through faith, how to be creative for the Kingdom.
  • Neva Lund: how to joyfully stay youthful throughout life (the woman did the cha cha slide at our wedding!), how to encourage, support and love as if you are family.
  • Beth Gowen: how to be in love and hot for my husband even when I'm older! They can't keep their hands off each other.
  • Kyndall Rutherford: how to appreciate and love the Body of Christ for its beautiful purpose in God's plan for glorifying himself, how to be sincere in rejoicing with others as God does great things their lives.
  • Courtney Gainer: to have a heart of genuine care and concern for the poor and needy both in physical & spiritual senses to the point it causes me to pray and react in meeting needs.